Despite extremely low temperatres, this treatmant is very safe. The nitrogen being used to cool the single-person cryosauna is the same nitrogen that makes up the air we breathe (actually 78% of it). Sessions never exceed 3 minutes and our cryosauna is equipped with an integrated oxygen sensor to
ensure client health and safety.In order to protect the more temperature sensitive tissues such as hands and feet, patients wear
dry socks, slippers, and gloves. In the walk-in chambers, patients also have to wear a face-mask (to protect the nose and prevent the inhalation of cold air), as well as earmuffs or a hat covering the ears. During each session the body releases endorphins, which are hormones that make person
feel good and energetic. There is no evidence that anybody can catch the cold because of this procedure. In fact, the stimulation of the immune system
can help decrease the severity and frequency of future colds. Also, it is very convenient to claustrophobic people. The cryosauna door is held by a magnet and never locked, so clients may enter and exit at their own discretion. The Cryosauna is open to the top and clients' head is raised above the level of the upper rim of the cabin. Clients who suffer from claustrophobia report that they feel comfortable during treatment.
This procedure is
absolutely dry and does not make the skin wet, so there is no need to take a shower before or after the treatment.